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Category: » Swords, daggers, axes » Ancient swords

Windlass Steelcraft Falcata - 500062

Windlass Steelcraft Falcata
Manufacturer: Windlass Steelcrafts
Windlass Steelcraft Falcata
Windlass Steelcraft Falcata

Windlass Steelcraft Falcata

Circa 200 BC The Celt-Iberians of Roman times were justly famed for their weapons, such as the Falcata; one of the most devastating swords ever made! The inward curving blade delivered a tremendous blow and could split both shield and helmet. Considered to be of Greek, or possibly Etruscan origin, this sword spread into Southern Russia and also Spain. It was in Spanish hands that it was most feared by the Romans. The blade is made from high carbon steel. The handle is solid brass. Comes with brown leather scabbard.
500062 - not sharp
500062s - sharpened