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Category: » Swords, daggers, axes » Japanese swords

Hanwei Raptor Tanto - SH2423

Hanwei Raptor Tanto
Manufacturer: Hanwei
Points: 10
ID: SH2423
307.00 EUR
Hanwei Raptor Tanto
Hanwei Raptor Tanto

Hanwei Raptor Tanto

While the Wakizashi and Tanto of the Raptor series provide matching pieces for any of the Raptor katanas, they are in their own right designed as very effective cutting tools. Made in the blade style of James Williams’ personal Nami Ryu swords, these pieces will allow the cutting practitioner to perfect techniques for each of the three weapons, at the same time as they complete an impressive display.
Key Features:
- 5160 Steel
- Historical blade style
- Designed by James Williams / Hanwei