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Category: » Martial arts » Synthetic Sparring Weapons

Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade - RDA002XTB-B

Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade
Manufacturer: Red Dragon Armoury
Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade
Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade
Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade

Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Blade

Fits Rawlings Xtreme Synthetic Sparring Single Hand Sword.
Our blades are designed to flex in the last 1/3 of their length towards the tip allowing for much safer thrusting than with conventional wooden wasters or shinai. The blade/tang joint (traditionally a weak point) is reinforced by a high tensile steel rod running along the full length of the handle. This also removes any flex in the handle traditionally associated with plastic training swords.
They are manufactured from our own special blend of plastic to provide strong and flexible sparring blade. They are designed to be used with low/medium protection (we recommend a fencing mask, stiff throat protector, fencing coach's jacket and decent lacrosse gloves). Please use responsibly.