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Category: » Swords, daggers, axes » Sabers

Cold Steel Hungarian Saber - 88RM

Cold Steel Hungarian Saber
New items
Manufacturer: Cold Steel
Points: 10
ID: 88RM
419.00 EUR
Cold Steel Hungarian Saber

Cold Steel Hungarian Saber

Hungary by virtue of its position on the world map is a country that straddles the cultural influence of both the East and the West. This influence is, of course, directly echoed in Hungarian weapons. The Hungarian Saber is primarily a cutting, slashing weapon mostly used from horseback although thrusting with it on foot was not unknown. The blade of our saber is made from 1055 high carbon steel with a hard spring temper. It has a hatchet point making it wider at the tip or point than at the guard. The guard of our saber has very wide sturdy quillons. The wider quillons offer greater protection to the hand and forearm. Also because of their greater width, a skilled swordsman can catch a blow aimed at his hand, wrist, or forearms with a minor twist of his wrist as the long quillons cover a lot of real estate and minimal movement by the defender is all that is required to block the path of an oncoming blade. The leather scabbard is, in a word, gorgeous. Its fittings are attractively arranged and provide a light, bright contrast to its black leather base.

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